Full list of publications
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- Entropy and the freezing of simple liquids
P. V. Giaquinta, G. Giunta, and S. Prestipino GiarrittaPhys. Rev. A 45, 6966(R) (1992)AbstractPDF
- Statistical geometry of hard particles on a sphere
S. Prestipino Giarritta, M. Ferrario, and P. V. GiaquintaPhysica A 187, 456 (1992)AbstractPDFA review in italian of these results has been published in the Atti dell'Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti- Statistical geometry of hard particles on a sphere: analysis of defects at high density
S. Prestipino Giarritta, M. Ferrario, and P. V. GiaquintaPhysica A 201, 649 (1993)AbstractPDF- Statistical Geometry of Four Calottes on a Sphere
S. Prestipino Giarritta and P. V. GiaquintaJ. Stat. Phys. 75, 1093 (1994)AbstractPDF- On entropy and ordering in binary hard-sphere mixtures
F. Saija, P. V. Giaquinta, G. Giunta, and S. Prestipino GiarrittaJ. Phys.: Condens. Matter 6, 9853 (1994)AbstractPDF- Preroughening, Diffusion, and Growth of a fcc(111) Surface
S. Prestipino, G. Santoro, and E. TosattiPhys. Rev. Lett. 75, 4468 (1995)AbstractPDF- Disordered flat phase and phase diagram for restricted solid-on-solid models of fcc(110) surfaces
G. Santoro, M. Vendruscolo, S. Prestipino, and E. TosattiPhys. Rev. B 53, 13169 (1996)AbstractPDF- Disordered flat phase in a solid-on-solid model fcc(111) surface
S. Prestipino and E. TosattiSurf. Sci. 377-379, 509 (1997)AbstractPDF- Preroughening, and disordered flat phase separation in surface molecular dynamics simulations
S. Prestipino, C. S. Jayanthi, F. Ercolessi, and E. TosattiSurf. Rev. and Letters 4, 843 (1997)AbstractPDF- Preroughening, fractional-layer occupancies, and phase separation at a disordered flat metal surface
S. Prestipino and E. TosattiPhys. Rev. B 57, 10157 (1998)AbstractPDF- Variational theory of preroughening
S. Prestipino and E. TosattiPhys. Rev. B 59, 3108 (1999)AbstractPDF- Statistical Entropy of a Lattice-Gas Model: Multiparticle Correlation Expansion
S. Prestipino and P. V. GiaquintaJ. Stat. Phys. 96, 135 (1999)AbstractErratumPDF- Entropy and multi-particle correlations in two-dimensional lattice gases
M. G. Donato, S. Prestipino, and P. V. GiaquintaEur. Phys. J. B 11, 621 (1999)AbstractPDF- Surface-Melting-Induced Preroughening
E. A. Jagla, S. Prestipino, and E. TosattiPhys. Rev. Lett. 83, 2753 (1999)AbstractPDF- Phase transitions at the early stages of surface melting
E. A. Jagla, S. Prestipino, and E. TosattiSurf. Sci. 454-456, 608 (2000)AbstractPDF- Can one have preroughening of vicinal surfaces?
S. Prestipino, E. A. Jagla, and E. TosattiSurf. Sci. 454-456, 652 (2000)AbstractPDF- Weird Gold Nanowires
E. Tosatti and S. PrestipinoScience 289, 561 (2000)AbstractPDF- Two-dimensional lattice liquids
S. PrestipinoPhys. Rev. E 62, 2177 (2000)AbstractPDF- Entropy, correlations, and ordering in two dimensions
F. Saija, S. Prestipino, and P. V. GiaquintaJ. Chem. Phys. 113, 2806 (2000)AbstractPDF- String Tension and Stability of Magic Tip-Suspended Nanowires
E. Tosatti, S. Prestipino, S. Koestlmeier, A. Dal Corso, F. D. Di TollaScience 291, 288 (2001)AbstractPDFThis paper has received a recognition by the National Institute for the Physics of Matter with the publication of a synthesis in the INFM Highlights 2000-2001- Kink-kink interactions and preroughening of vicinal surfaces
S. Prestipino and E. TosattiPhil. Mag. B 81, 637 (2001)AbstractPDF- Scaling of local density correlations in a fluid close to freezing
F. Saija, S. Prestipino, and P. V. GiaquintaJ. Chem. Phys. 115, 7586 (2001)AbstractPDF- Analog of surface preroughening in a two-dimensional lattice Coulomb gas
S. PrestipinoPhys. Rev. E 66, 021602 (2002)AbstractPDF- The Concavity of Entropy and Extremum Principles in Thermodynamics
S. Prestipino and P. V. GiaquintaJ. Stat. Phys. 111, 479 (2003)AbstractPDF- Density-functional theory of a lattice-gas model with vapour, liquid, and solid phases
S. Prestipino and P. V. GiaquintaJ. Phys.: Condens. Matter 15, 3931 (2003)AbstractPDF- Lattice density-functional theory of surface melting: the effect of a square-gradient correction
S. PrestipinoJ. Phys.: Condens. Matter 15, 8065 (2003)AbstractPDF- The entropy multiparticle-correlation expansion for a mixture of spherical and elongated particles
S. Prestipino and P. V. GiaquintaJ. Stat. Mech.: Theor. Exp. (2004) P09008AbstractPDF- A probabilistic model for the equilibration of an ideal gas
S. PrestipinoPhysica A 340, 373 (2004)AbstractPDF- The ideal gas as an urn model: derivation of the entropy formula
S. PrestipinoEur. J. Phys. 26, 137 (2005)AbstractPDF- Phase diagram of the Gaussian-core model
S. Prestipino, F. Saija, and P. V. GiaquintaPhys. Rev. E 71, 050102(R) (2005)AbstractPDF- High-pressure phase diagram of the exp-6 model: The case of Xe
F. Saija and S. PrestipinoPhys. Rev. B 72, 024113 (2005)AbstractPDF- Phase diagram of softly repulsive systems: The Gaussian and inverse-power-law potentials
S. Prestipino, F. Saija, and P. V. GiaquintaJ. Chem. Phys. 123, 144110 (2005)AbstractPDF- Evaluation of phenomenological one-phase criteria for the melting and freezing of softly repulsive particles
F. Saija, S. Prestipino, and P. V. GiaquintaJ. Chem. Phys. 124, 244504 (2006)AbstractPDF- Inverse melting in lattice-gas models
S. PrestipinoPhys. Rev. E 75, 011107 (2007)AbstractPDF- Phase diagram of Gaussian-core nematics
S. Prestipino and F. SaijaJ. Chem. Phys. 126, 194902 (2007)AbstractPDF- Liquid-solid coexistence via the metadynamics approach
S. Prestipino and P. V. GiaquintaJ. Chem. Phys. 128, 114707 (2008)AbstractPDF- Anomalous melting behavior under extreme conditions: Hard matter turning "soft"
G. Malescio, F. Saija, and S. PrestipinoJ. Chem. Phys. 129, 241101 (2008)AbstractPDF- The zero-temperature phase diagram of soft-repulsive particle fluids
S. Prestipino, F. Saija, and G. MalescioSoft Matter 5, 2795 (2009)AbstractPDF- Anomalous phase behavior of a soft-repulsive potential with a strictly monotonic force
F. Saija, S. Prestipino, and G. MalescioPhys. Rev. E 80, 031502 (2009)AbstractPDF- Unusual phase behavior of one-component systems with two-scale isotropic interactions
S. V. Buldyrev, G. Malescio, C. A. Angell, N. Giovambattista, S. Prestipino, F. Saija, H. E. Stanley, and L. XuJ. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21, 504106 (2009)AbstractPDF- Re-entrant melting of the exp-6 fluid: the role of the repulsion softness
F. Saija, G. Malescio, and S. PrestipinoPhys. Chem. Liq. 48, 477 (2010)AbstractPDF- Entropy from Correlations in TIP4P Water
E. Giuffré, S. Prestipino, F. Saija, A. M. Saitta, and P. V. GiaquintaJ. Chem. Theory Comput. 6, 625 (2010)AbstractPDF- Anomalous phase behavior in a model fluid with only one type of local structure
S. Prestipino, F. Saija, and G. MalescioJ. Chem. Phys. 133, 144504 (2010)AbstractPDF- Anomalous melting and solid polymorphism of a modified inverse-power potential
G. Malescio, S. Prestipino, and F. SaijaMol. Phys. 109, 2837 (2011)AbstractPDF- Thermodynamic and structural anomalies of the Gaussian-core model in one dimension
C. Speranza, S. Prestipino, and P. V. GiaquintaMol. Phys. 109, 3001 (2011)AbstractPDF- Hexatic Phase in the Two-Dimensional Gaussian-Core Model
S. Prestipino, F. Saija, and P. V. GiaquintaPhys. Rev. Lett. 106, 235701 (2011)AbstractPDF- Density anomaly in a fluid of softly repulsive particles embedded in a spherical surface
S. Prestipino, C. Speranza, and P. V. GiaquintaSoft Matter 8, 11708 (2012) - Statistical geometry of hard particles on a sphere