Full list of publications

(sorted by date, in ascending order)


  1. Entropy and the freezing of simple liquids
    P. V. Giaquinta, G. Giunta, and S. Prestipino Giarritta
    Phys. Rev. A 45, 6966(R) (1992)
  2. Statistical geometry of hard particles on a sphere
    S. Prestipino Giarritta, M. Ferrario, and P. V. Giaquinta
    Physica A 187, 456 (1992)
    A review in italian of these results has been published in the Atti dell'Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti


  3. Statistical geometry of hard particles on a sphere: analysis of defects at high density
    S. Prestipino Giarritta, M. Ferrario, and P. V. Giaquinta
    Physica A 201, 649 (1993)
  4. Statistical Geometry of Four Calottes on a Sphere
    S. Prestipino Giarritta and P. V. Giaquinta
    J. Stat. Phys. 75, 1093 (1994)
  5. On entropy and ordering in binary hard-sphere mixtures
    F. Saija, P. V. Giaquinta, G. Giunta, and S. Prestipino Giarritta
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 6, 9853 (1994)
  6. Preroughening, Diffusion, and Growth of a fcc(111) Surface
    S. Prestipino, G. Santoro, and E. Tosatti
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 4468 (1995)
  7. Disordered flat phase and phase diagram for restricted solid-on-solid models of fcc(110) surfaces
    G. Santoro, M. Vendruscolo, S. Prestipino, and E. Tosatti
    Phys. Rev. B 53, 13169 (1996)
  8. Disordered flat phase in a solid-on-solid model fcc(111) surface
    S. Prestipino and E. Tosatti
    Surf. Sci. 377-379, 509 (1997)
  9. Preroughening, and disordered flat phase separation in surface molecular dynamics simulations
    S. Prestipino, C. S. Jayanthi, F. Ercolessi, and E. Tosatti
    Surf. Rev. and Letters 4, 843 (1997)
  10. Preroughening, fractional-layer occupancies, and phase separation at a disordered flat metal surface
    S. Prestipino and E. Tosatti
    Phys. Rev. B 57, 10157 (1998)
  11. Variational theory of preroughening
    S. Prestipino and E. Tosatti
    Phys. Rev. B 59, 3108 (1999)
  12. Statistical Entropy of a Lattice-Gas Model: Multiparticle Correlation Expansion
    S. Prestipino and P. V. Giaquinta
    J. Stat. Phys. 96, 135 (1999)
  13. Entropy and multi-particle correlations in two-dimensional lattice gases
    M. G. Donato, S. Prestipino, and P. V. Giaquinta
    Eur. Phys. J. B 11, 621 (1999)
  14. Surface-Melting-Induced Preroughening
    E. A. Jagla, S. Prestipino, and E. Tosatti
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 2753 (1999)
  15. Phase transitions at the early stages of surface melting
    E. A. Jagla, S. Prestipino, and E. Tosatti
    Surf. Sci. 454-456, 608 (2000)
  16. Can one have preroughening of vicinal surfaces?
    S. Prestipino, E. A. Jagla, and E. Tosatti
    Surf. Sci. 454-456, 652 (2000)
  17. Weird Gold Nanowires
    E. Tosatti and S. Prestipino
    Science 289, 561 (2000)
  18. Two-dimensional lattice liquids
    S. Prestipino
    Phys. Rev. E 62, 2177 (2000)
  19. Entropy, correlations, and ordering in two dimensions
    F. Saija, S. Prestipino, and P. V. Giaquinta
    J. Chem. Phys. 113, 2806 (2000)
  20. String Tension and Stability of Magic Tip-Suspended Nanowires
    E. Tosatti, S. Prestipino, S. Koestlmeier, A. Dal Corso, F. D. Di Tolla
    Science 291, 288 (2001)
    This paper has received a recognition by the National Institute for the Physics of Matter with the publication of a synthesis in the INFM Highlights 2000-2001

  21. Kink-kink interactions and preroughening of vicinal surfaces
    S. Prestipino and E. Tosatti
    Phil. Mag. B 81, 637 (2001)
  22. Scaling of local density correlations in a fluid close to freezing
    F. Saija, S. Prestipino, and P. V. Giaquinta
    J. Chem. Phys. 115, 7586 (2001)
  23. Analog of surface preroughening in a two-dimensional lattice Coulomb gas
    S. Prestipino
    Phys. Rev. E 66, 021602 (2002)
  24. The Concavity of Entropy and Extremum Principles in Thermodynamics
    S. Prestipino and P. V. Giaquinta
    J. Stat. Phys. 111, 479 (2003)
  25. Density-functional theory of a lattice-gas model with vapour, liquid, and solid phases
    S. Prestipino and P. V. Giaquinta
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 15, 3931 (2003)
  26. Lattice density-functional theory of surface melting: the effect of a square-gradient correction
    S. Prestipino
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 15, 8065 (2003)
  27. The entropy multiparticle-correlation expansion for a mixture of spherical and elongated particles
    S. Prestipino and P. V. Giaquinta
    J. Stat. Mech.: Theor. Exp. (2004) P09008
  28. A probabilistic model for the equilibration of an ideal gas
    S. Prestipino
    Physica A 340, 373 (2004)
  29. The ideal gas as an urn model: derivation of the entropy formula
    S. Prestipino
    Eur. J. Phys. 26, 137 (2005)
  30. Phase diagram of the Gaussian-core model
    S. Prestipino, F. Saija, and P. V. Giaquinta
    Phys. Rev. E 71, 050102(R) (2005)
  31. High-pressure phase diagram of the exp-6 model: The case of Xe
    F. Saija and S. Prestipino
    Phys. Rev. B 72, 024113 (2005)
  32. Phase diagram of softly repulsive systems: The Gaussian and inverse-power-law potentials
    S. Prestipino, F. Saija, and P. V. Giaquinta
    J. Chem. Phys. 123, 144110 (2005)
  33. Evaluation of phenomenological one-phase criteria for the melting and freezing of softly repulsive particles
    F. Saija, S. Prestipino, and P. V. Giaquinta
    J. Chem. Phys. 124, 244504 (2006)
  34. Inverse melting in lattice-gas models
    S. Prestipino
    Phys. Rev. E 75, 011107 (2007)
  35. Phase diagram of Gaussian-core nematics
    S. Prestipino and F. Saija
    J. Chem. Phys. 126, 194902 (2007)
  36. Liquid-solid coexistence via the metadynamics approach
    S. Prestipino and P. V. Giaquinta
    J. Chem. Phys. 128, 114707 (2008)
  37. Anomalous melting behavior under extreme conditions: Hard matter turning "soft"
    G. Malescio, F. Saija, and S. Prestipino
    J. Chem. Phys. 129, 241101 (2008)
  38. The zero-temperature phase diagram of soft-repulsive particle fluids
    S. Prestipino, F. Saija, and G. Malescio
    Soft Matter 5, 2795 (2009)
  39. Anomalous phase behavior of a soft-repulsive potential with a strictly monotonic force
    F. Saija, S. Prestipino, and G. Malescio
    Phys. Rev. E 80, 031502 (2009)
  40. Unusual phase behavior of one-component systems with two-scale isotropic interactions
    S. V. Buldyrev, G. Malescio, C. A. Angell, N. Giovambattista, S. Prestipino, F. Saija, H. E. Stanley, and L. Xu
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21, 504106 (2009)
  41. Re-entrant melting of the exp-6 fluid: the role of the repulsion softness
    F. Saija, G. Malescio, and S. Prestipino
    Phys. Chem. Liq. 48, 477 (2010)
  42. Entropy from Correlations in TIP4P Water
    E. Giuffré, S. Prestipino, F. Saija, A. M. Saitta, and P. V. Giaquinta
    J. Chem. Theory Comput. 6, 625 (2010)
  43. Anomalous phase behavior in a model fluid with only one type of local structure
    S. Prestipino, F. Saija, and G. Malescio
    J. Chem. Phys. 133, 144504 (2010)
  44. Anomalous melting and solid polymorphism of a modified inverse-power potential
    G. Malescio, S. Prestipino, and F. Saija
    Mol. Phys. 109, 2837 (2011)
  45. Thermodynamic and structural anomalies of the Gaussian-core model in one dimension
    C. Speranza, S. Prestipino, and P. V. Giaquinta
    Mol. Phys. 109, 3001 (2011)
  46. Hexatic Phase in the Two-Dimensional Gaussian-Core Model
    S. Prestipino, F. Saija, and P. V. Giaquinta
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 235701 (2011)
  47. Density anomaly in a fluid of softly repulsive particles embedded in a spherical surface
    S. Prestipino, C. Speranza, and P. V. Giaquinta
    Soft Matter 8, 11708 (2012)
  48. On the accuracy of the melting curves drawn from modelling a solid as an elastic medium
    S. Prestipino
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24, 035102 (2012)
  49. Systematic Improvement of Classical Nucleation Theory
    S. Prestipino, A. Laio, and E. Tosatti
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 225701 (2012)
  50. Hexatic phase and water-like anomalies in a two-dimensional fluid of particles with a weakly softened core
    S. Prestipino, F. Saija, and P. V. Giaquinta
    J. Chem. Phys. 137, 104503 (2012)
  51. Minimum-density anomaly and spatial ordering of softly repulsive particles in a narrow channel
    S. Prestipino, F. Saija, A. Sergi, and P. V. Giaquinta
    Soft Matter 9, 9876 (2013)
  52. A fingerprint of surface-tension anisotropy in the free-energy cost of nucleation
    S. Prestipino, A. Laio, and E. Tosatti
    J. Chem. Phys. 138, 064508 (2013)
  53. A maximum-entropy approach to the adiabatic freezing of a supercooled liquid
    S. Prestipino
    J. Chem. Phys. 138, 164501 (2013)
  54. Volume crossover in deeply supercooled water adiabatically freezing under isobaric conditions
    F. Aliotta, P. V. Giaquinta, M. Pochylski, R. C. Ponterio, S. Prestipino, F. Saija, and C. Vasi
    J. Chem. Phys. 138, 184504 (2013)
  55. Spontaneous Freezing of Supercooled Water under Isochoric and Adiabatic Conditions
    S. Prestipino and P. V. Giaquinta
    J. Phys. Chem. B 117, 8189 (2013)
  56. Twofold reentrant melting in a double-Gaussian fluid
    S. Prestipino, C. Speranza, G. Malescio, and P. V. Giaquinta
    J. Chem. Phys. 140, 084906 (2014)
  57. Shape and area fluctuation effects on nucleation theory
    S. Prestipino, A. Laio, and E. Tosatti
    J. Chem. Phys. 140, 094501 (2014)
  58. Phase behavior of a fluid with a double Gaussian potential displaying waterlike features
    C. Speranza, S. Prestipino, G. Malescio, and P. V. Giaquinta
    Phys. Rev. E 90, 012305 (2014)
  59. Cluster phases of penetrable rods on a line
    S. Prestipino
    Phys. Rev. E 90, 042306 (2014)
  60. Hexatic phase and cluster crystals of two-dimensional GEM4 spheres
    S. Prestipino and F. Saija
    J. Chem. Phys. 141, 184502 (2014)
  61. Supercooled water escaping from metastability
    F. Aliotta, P. V. Giaquinta, R. C. Ponterio, S. Prestipino, F. Saija, G. Salvato, and C. Vasi
    Sci. Rep. 4, 7230 (2014)
  62. On the determination of phase boundaries via thermodynamic integration across coexistence regions
    M. C. Abramo, C. Caccamo, D. Costa, P. V. Giaquinta, G. Malescio, G. Munaò, and S. Prestipino
    J. Chem. Phys. 142, 214502 (2015)
  63. Probing the existence of phase transitions in one-dimensional fluids of penetrable particles
    S. Prestipino, D. Gazzillo, and N. Tasinato
    Phys. Rev. E 92, 022138 (2015)
  64. Shapes of a liquid droplet in a periodic box
    S. Prestipino, C. Caccamo, D. Costa, G. Malescio, and G. Munaò
    Phys. Rev. E 92, 022141 (2015)
  65. Phase behavior near and beyond the thermodynamic stability threshold
    G. Malescio and S. Prestipino
    Phys. Rev. E 92, 050301(R) (2015)
  66. Analytic solution of two-density integral equations for sticky Janus dumbbells with arbitrary monomer diameters
    D. Gazzillo, G. Munaò, and S. Prestipino
    J. Chem. Phys. 144, 234504 (2016)
  67. Characterization of the structural collapse undergone by an unstable system of ultrasoft particles
    S. Prestipino and G. Malescio
    Physica A 457, 492 (2016)
  68. Encapsulation of spherical nanoparticles by colloidal dimers
    G. Munaò, D. Costa, S. Prestipino, and C. Caccamo
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18, 24922 (2016)
  69. Markov state modeling of sliding friction
    F. Pellegrini, F. P. Landes, A. Laio, S. Prestipino, and E. Tosatti
    Phys. Rev. E 94, 053001 (2016)
  70. Self-assembly in a model colloidal mixture of dimers and spherical particles
    S. Prestipino, G. Munaò, D. Costa, and C. Caccamo
    J. Chem. Phys. 146, 084902 (2017)
  71. Aggregation of colloidal spheres mediated by Janus dimers: A Monte Carlo study
    G. Munaò, D. Costa, S. Prestipino, and C. Caccamo
    Colloid Surface A 532, 397 (2017)
  72. Two-dimensional mixture of amphiphilic dimers and spheres: Self-assembly behaviour
    S. Prestipino, G. Munaò, D. Costa, G. Pellicane, and C. Caccamo
    J. Chem. Phys. 147, 144902 (2017)
    This article has been recognized by the Editor of JCP as one of the 73 most innovative and influential articles (Editor's Choice articles) published in 2017 by The Journal of Chemical Physics


  73. Universal behavior of soft-core fluids near the threshold of thermodynamic stability
    G. Malescio, A. Parola, and S. Prestipino
    J. Chem. Phys. 148, 084904 (2018)
  74. The barrier to ice nucleation in monatomic water
    S. Prestipino
    J. Chem. Phys. 148, 124505 (2018)
  75. Molecular dynamics determination of liquid-vapor coexistence in molten alkali halides
    M. C. Abramo, D. Costa, G. Malescio, G. Munaò, G. Pellicane, S. Prestipino, and C. Caccamo
    Phys. Rev. E 98, 010103(R) (2018)
  76. Freezing of soft-core bosons at zero temperature: A variational theory
    S. Prestipino, A. Sergi, and E. Bruno
    Phys. Rev. B 98, 104104 (2018)
  77. Clusterization of weakly-interacting bosons in one dimension: an analytic study at zero temperature
    S. Prestipino, A. Sergi, and E. Bruno
    J. Phys. A 52, 015002 (2019)
  78. Ground state of weakly repulsive soft-core bosons on a sphere
    S. Prestipino and P. V. Giaquinta
    Phys. Rev. A 99, 063619 (2019)
  79. Complex Self-Assembly from Simple Interaction Rules in Model Colloidal Mixtures
    S. Prestipino, D. Gazzillo, G. Munaò, and D. Costa
    J. Phys. Chem. B 123, 9272 (2019)
  80. A variational mean-field study of clusterization in a zero-temperature system of soft-core bosons
    S. Prestipino, A. Sergi, E. Bruno, and P. V. Giaquinta
    EPJ Web of Conferences 230, 00008 (2020)
  81. Structure factors and x-ray diffraction intensities in molten alkali halides
    M. C. Abramo, D. Costa, G. Malescio, G. Munaò, G. Pellicane, S. Prestipino, and C. Caccamo
    J. Phys. Commun. 4, 075017 (2020)
  82. Entropy Multiparticle Correlation Expansion for a Crystal
    S. Prestipino and P. V. Giaquinta
    Entropy 22, 1024 (2020)
  83. Ultracold Bosons on a Regular Spherical Mesh
    S. Prestipino
    Entropy 22, 1289 (2020)
  84. Bose-Hubbard model on polyhedral graphs
    S. Prestipino
    Phys. Rev. A 103, 033313 (2021)
  85. Self-Assembled Structures of Colloidal Dimers and Disks on a Spherical Surface
    N. Dlamini, S. Prestipino, and G. Pellicane
    Entropy 23, 585 (2021)
  86. Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Liquids and Crystals
    S. Prestipino
    Entropy 23, 715 (2021)
  87. Early stages of aggregation in fluid mixtures of dimers and spheres: a theoretical and simulation study
    G. Munaò, S. Prestipino, and D. Costa
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 23, 22661 (2021)
  88. Classical and Quantum Gases on a Semiregular Mesh
    D. De Gregorio and S. Prestipino
    Appl. Sci. 11, 10053 (2021)
  89. Clustering in mixtures of SALR particles and hard spheres with cross attraction
    G. Munaò, S. Prestipino, J.-M. Bomont, and D. Costa
    J. Phys. Chem. B 126, 2027 (2022)
  90. Condensation and crystal nucleation in a lattice gas with a realistic phase diagram
    S. Prestipino and G. Costa
    Entropy 24, 419 (2022)
  91. Competition between clustering and phase separation in binary mixtures containing SALR particles
    G. Munaò, D. Costa, G. Malescio, J.-M. Bomont, and S. Prestipino
    Soft Matter 18, 6453 (2022)
  92. Like aggregation from unlike attraction: stripes in symmetric mixtures of cross-attracting hard spheres
    G. Munaò, D. Costa, G. Malescio, J.-M. Bomont, and S. Prestipino
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25, 16227 (2023)
    This article is part of the themed collection 2023 PCCP HOT Articles

  93. Microphase vs macrophase separation in the Square-Well-Linear fluid: a theoretical and computational study
    D. Costa, G. Munaò, J.-M. Bomont, G. Malescio, A. Palatella, and S. Prestipino
    Phys. Rev. E 108, 034602 (2023)
  94. A density functional theory and simulation study of stripe phases in symmetric colloidal mixtures
    S. Prestipino, D. Pini, D. Costa, G. Malescio, and G. Munaò
    J. Chem. Phys. 159, 204902 (2023)
  95. Supersolid phases of bosonic particles in a bubble trap
    M. Ciardi, F. Cinti, G. Pellicane, and S. Prestipino
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 026001 (2024)
  96. Arrested states in colloidal fluids with competing interactions: a static replica study
    J.-M. Bomont, G. Pastore, D. Costa, G. Munaò, G. Malescio, and S. Prestipino
    J. Chem. Phys. 160, 214504 (2024)
  97. Liquid-liquid transition in a Bose fluid near collapse
    S. Moroni, F. Cinti, M. Boninsegni, G. Pellicane, and S. Prestipino
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 096001 (2024)
  98. Self-Assembly of Particles on a Curved Mesh
    G. Costa and S. Prestipino
    Entropy 27, 46 (2025)
  99. Effects of gravity on supersolid order in bubble-trapped bosons
    M. Ciardi, F. Cinti, G. Pellicane, and S. Prestipino
    Phys. Rev. B 111, 024512 (2025)

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